Nothing is more exciting and... intimidating... than the blank "Hello World" screen. Basically, this is what comes to mind:
Hello World. I feel like a n00b...
Going into building, I know of the end goals I want to accomplish but not necessarily how to get there. To be honest, it's been years since I've created a website on my own from start to finish. On top of that, technology and my skills have come so far, I'm really starting from complete scratch here. I can't help but feel like such a nOOb (as my 7-year-old son would say).
Things I know I want on
- Showcase recent code experiments from any source. This might be a CodePen or Gist on GitHub, or somewhere else.
- Start a blog. I haven't blogged since the days of Xanga, but here we are. Blog about interesting code I write, projects I'm working on, and also just my personal life with 2 crazy kids in the middle of a pandemic.
- Provide multiple themes to choose from, because let's face it, I'm indecisive.
- Make it fun and not too serious. Hide some Easter Eggs in it. And maybe confetti. Definitely confetti (fine, I edited this later to add the confetti).
- Use Statiq.
- Easily managed. Build and deploy to GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions on PR merge (I have no idea how to do this, by the way).
So here I am. This blank "Hello World" screen on my localhost. Let's see what I can create.